The Chinese Soldier Trained By Americans to Kill Americans
A Report on Chinese Infiltration of the American Tactical Community
Executive Summary
Based on evidence from US and Chinese social media, Vermilion has identified that a Chinese special forces soldier received training from former U.S. special forces on American soil.
Pengxiang “Chris” Zhang, a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) soldier lived, studied, and trained in the United States from at least 2014 to 2020.
Since returning to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 2020, Zhang has trained People’s Armed Police (PAP) and PLA units on tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) he learned from former U.S. special operators and service members.
Zhang entered the United States in 2013/2014 to attend the Carmel Christian School in Matthews, NC. This was likely facilitated by the Carmel Christian School International Student Program, a college preparatory program serving students in Grades 9-12.
After graduating in 2017, Zhang then moved to New York City. While in New York, Zhang traveled throughout the United States to Virginia Beach, VA; Fort Collins, CO; Navato, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Waxahachie, TX; and Las Vegas, NV in order to attend tactical training classes run by Ronin Tactics, Core Vision Training, and Dynamis Alliance.
In May 2020, Zhang left the United States and returned to China. According to his social media accounts, Zhang returned to the PLA Central Theater Command Headquarters located in Shijiazhuang, Hebei and he refers to the Shijiazhuang Army Command College (石家庄陆军指挥学院) as home. This college is an intermediate command college within the People’s Liberation Army National Defense University that provides joint training for military, political, and technical personnel.
From June 2020 to August 2022, Zhang posted training photos and videos with the PLA’s next generation weapon systems, namely the QBZ-191, QCQ-171, and QBU-203. From August 2022 on, Zhang posted photos and videos on social media of himself training Chinese SWAT teams throughout China and conducting CQB with PLA soldiers (likely PLA special operations forces). Based on the speed at which Zhang transitioned from student in the US, to small team training, to training units himself, it is almost certain that Zhang was a PLA soldier prior to entering the United States.
In the above two images, the China South Industries Group Corporation (CSGC) utilized Zhang in advertising materials at the Zhuhai Airshow in 2022. The materials were promoting a new training system (that could possibly have been based on what Zhang learned in the United States). CSGC is one of China’s largest state-owned weapons manufacturers. Additionally, Zhang served as a representative for Argus Night Vision, a well known Chinese night vision tube and housing manufacturer. Argus improves its designs by selling their products to the US and then receiving feedback from American citizens on their products.
Why Does This Matter?
Is it almost certain that a PLA special forces operator was living and training on US soil for at least 7 years. He was able to avoid US law enforcement and bring training derived from the most elite American special operations forces back to China. The military balance between the U.S. and the PRC is of the utmost importance to American national security. It is often said that American military units are of superior quality to the People’s Liberation Army. This will cease to be the case if highly trained Americans erode their own military’s fighting edge.
Continue thoroughly vetting all Chinese international students in the United States for any military background and/or military associations.
The American tactical industry/community must come together and police their own. Doing business with the PLA is self-defeating.